I got an email today from Pam at Escape from Cubicle Nation, inviting me to play a little blogging game called "Five Things You May Not Know About Me." The game is a sort of Internet chain letter, a meme that spreads semi-virally, semi-intentionally. Now, one of the things you may not know about me (but which I'm not going to include in the Five) is that I have never, ever participated in a chain letter, even when great riches were promised or catastrophic misfortune threatened. But "Five Things" seemed more playful than a conventional chain letter, and besides it involves original writing rather than recycling someone else's lame prose. So when Pam posted her own Five Things, and then invited me to join the game, I told her to count me in. I can't compete with Pam's tale of the green Hornet and the ambassador from the Maldives, but who mentioned competition? Not I.
Five Things You May Not Know About Me
1. When I was four years old, I was on Romper Room (Los Angeles edition) for a week. I can still sing all the lyrics to "Bend and Stretch, Reach for the Stars."
2. The summer after I graduated from high school, I worked as a clerk-typist for the L.A. Department of Water and Power. Eight hours a day, five days a week, everyone in the office did nothing but type rows and columns of numbers. (This was before desktop computing.) Every day, someone broke down sobbing from the sheer misery of it all. I think this may have something to do with my choice of self-employment for most of my subsequent career.
3. I am the author of Everything You Must Know About Tampons, which was published during the big toxic shock syndrome scare of the early 1980s. (For a while I had quite a rep as the menstruation maven.) I hosted a publication party and asked my guests to bring tampon art. My favorite offering was the giant "tampiƱata" filled with candy.
4. I don't eat mammals--nothing political or philosophical about it, just never liked meat--but if I find myself in a Peruvian restaurant, I cannot resist ordering the anticuchos, which are skewered slices of beef heart. They're so good they're almost ... vegetative.
5. For seventeen years I swam almost daily on a masters swim team, and I still can't do a flip turn.
Okay, for this to work I need to find five victims willing participants. Over to you, Mary, Sile, Laurie, Matthew, and Sylvia: tell us five interesting things about yourself that your readers don't know. (I was going to tag Mike at Own Your Brand!, but someone else got to him first, darn it. Go read his post anyway. And then read Andy Nulman's.)