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June 19, 2023


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The newspaper databases have many examples of "reverse boycott," often describing a kind of retaliatory boycott (e.g., the Soviet Union's boycott of the 1984 Summer Olympics in L.A. after the U.S. boycotted the 1980 Olympics in Moscow). It's also been used as a way to encourage people to make purchases from certain retailers (sometimes also called a "buycott" or a "buy-in"). Here's an early example of that usage from 1920.

Buffalo (NY) Times, Mar. 26, 1920, p. 18, col. 3
Reverse Boycott Curing Gougers
By Jim Marshall, N.E.A. Staff Correspondent
SPOKANE, Wash., March 26. -- Led by a dean of the Episcopal church and the original woman "Bull Mooser," 3,000 Spokane women are battering down the high cost of living here with a consumers' league, a reverse-English boycott, a weekly bulletin of prices and a slogan.
The league is supported by dues of 25 cents a month from each member.
Instead of boycotting merchants who charge too much, the women seek out those who cut prices, boost them in the weekly bulletin, which is mailed to all members, and enable the cut-raters to sell large volumes at low profits.
The slogan -- which is considerably worrying some local stores -- is "No thank you -- it costs too much!"
The league is headed by Dean William C. Hicks, of the Episcopal church here. The organizer and guiding spirit is Mrs. Sarah Flannigan, who attained fame some years ago as the only woman delegate to the original Bull Moose convention in Chicago.
A dozen Spokane drygoods and grocery firms have rushed into print recently to assure the league that they're with 'em. But the women aren't taking anyone's word for it. If a price seems too high the slogan is gently wafted across the counter -- and the next issue of the bulletin carries the word along.

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