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January 09, 2023


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I'll never think of George Chapman's "Bussy d'Ambois" the same way again.

You introduced me to -ussy today. My initial response puts me in the WTF camp. It seems a labored locution. A January 2022 Vulture article uses -ussification. It was difficult to read the article because I find the usage examples annoying. https://www.vulture.com/2022/01/bussy-trend-linguists-explain.html.

Hi Katherine--Thanks for reading and commenting. I cite the Vulture article in my post.

The Baader–Meinhof phenomenon is at work: I NEVER heard any form for -ussy all year until the day I read your blog. Then – that very day – I was substituting at a middle school, and I overheard a conversation in the hallway where a young man used the word “bussification.” I couldn't believe it -- though it really came as no surprise as I am a firm believer in Baader-Meinhof. #justsaying

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