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June 30, 2022


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The benzene ring (the hexagonal molecule of benzene— six carbon and six hydrogen atoms) is the fundamental structure of organic chemistry— carbon, and carbon-based molecules.
To me, organic chemistry (I flunked it in college) is as much a mystery as crypto-currency. In terms of hexagonal crypto logos, familiarity breeds contempt.
I read, a long time ago, that the "pad" in "padlock" referred to the stylized head of a frog. This is roughly the shape of some earlier padlocks. But I could find no Google search that substantiated this.

In the time it takes a driver to read the trilingual sign, how far can the car can hurtle off the road? And no, it's not pronounced TURK-ee-yeh. The umlaut over the u changes the pronunciation to that of the French adieu or German kühl. It's a sound not familiar to English-centric Americans.

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