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October 06, 2021


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"Shine out, fair sun, till I have bought a glass,
That I may see my shadow as I pass."

Richard III. Act 1, Scene 2

We lived two doors down from the Shein family in NJ in the early 70s. So I will never pronounce this other than as “shine.”

I live in eastern Ontario, and for a large part of 2020 we were restricted to buying only groceries and pharmaceuticals in person. For non-essential items like clothes (haha!), we had to order online. This bumped a lot of women in my circle into online clothing shopping for the first time. More than half of the moms at the beach (on blankets or chairs six feet apart) were wearing swimsuits I recognized from Facebook ads for Shein.
Over the summer, I heard it pronounced as shane, shen, and shin, but never shine or she in.

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