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May 03, 2021


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Really? Beverly Hills High School? What's the difference between their students and the endlessly mock-worthy Valley Girls? Except perhaps family wealth?

Pardon the stereotyping, but stereotypes exist for a reason. Gag me with a spoon!

When I was in high school, mid-60s in MIchigan, the Sosh was a slow dance, a kind of swing slow dance that was done with a partner. You had to know what you were doing. It was rather precious; the rest of us were just clutching our partner and swaying. So the few couples doing the Sosh were trying too hard. It would be easy to extrapolate this mannered, "adult" kind of dancing to other behaviour, leading to the "sosh" label. I always thought it came from "socialite" rather than "social" but I can't find a single reference to it on the Internet.

I'm way out of the right demographics to hear or use "cheugy." So I did an exhaustive, highly scientific survey (my kids and grandkids.) They've never heard of it.
I think it's too hard to pronounce to become mainstream. Unless it already has.

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