Will we ever look back nostalgically at 2020, the year of COVID and wildfires, loss and loneliness? That’s the question I ask, and answer, in a new essay for Medium, where I explore ideas that don’t quite fit elsewhere, and where I stand a tiny chance of making those ideas pay. If you’re a Medium member ($5 a month or $50 a year), you can let me know you liked this piece—and the 29 others I’ve published there—by awarding me up to 50 “claps.” Medium magically converts those claps into dollars that magically show up in my account.
Waffle-maker from Nostalgia Products
While you’re on Medium, you may find some other writers you’ll enjoy following—say, Susan Orlean, Douglas Rushkoff, Meghan Daum, and many of the excellent contributors to The Atlantic.
See you in 2021.