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April 30, 2020


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One of my friends is reading The Magic Mountain, as indeed I did in my grad school days. I would not have thought I'd ever again want to read a book about a TB sanitarium, but you're making a pretty good case!

Thank you for the book recommendation! I wasn't aware that Betty MacDonald wrote books for grown-ups -- but you might mention that she is well known as a children's author (the wonderful Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle books). I've enjoyed reading those to my kids, so I look forward to checking out "The Plague and I"!

The first thing that popped into my head when i started reading this linkfest was a town near my Mom's house, Hygiene, CO (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hygiene,_Colorado), a cool town name from 1883. They had a sanitarium for TB patients. And that rabbit hole has Big Bug, AZ; Horse Thief Basin, AZ, oops, I think my needle got stuck again... Thanks for the Linkfest, this month!

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