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September 14, 2019


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makes me want to go asap. Love the images!

Memories. We eloped to Reno in 1999 since Ken was gonna pick up an old MG in nearby Dixon. (Twofer.) We stayed at Harrahs where they fussed over us. Fussed over again at the pawn shop where Ken bought his ring; plus coupon for discounted ceremony at the Heart of Reno wedding chapel. We crossed the rubble where the town was being razed to the courthouse where the clerk fussed over us. We exchanged short vows in the fake-wood-panel office of the former car-fix-it garage. Our minister had pumpkin colored hair and wore a shocking pink velour running outfit. Instead of fussing over us, she had a magic wand that morphed that ugly room into Cinderella's coach. More coupons for meals, the girlie show at Harrahs, a native American poem about marriage. We made our way back across the Truckee River on the new bridge and sat under a tree to read the lovely poem. When we returned last summer for the first night of a long car trip, our wedding chapel was razed to make way for the new spiffy town that we barely recognized. The museum is a little jewel box. So glad you snapped photos.

shot a sign in reno great

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