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April 26, 2019


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Nowhere in "Four Reasons Parents Regret Their Baby Name Choices" could I find a discussion of the effects a name could have on a child.
I had a friend in grade school whose name was "Tyrone," probably after Tyrone Power, a movie actor. He was teased, but he did know how to fight. Later, in high school, he changed his first name to "Alvin." This was right before a novelty record, "The Chipmunks" came out. A man screaming, "Alvin!" was the catchphrase for months. Tyrone/Alvin was much bigger by this time, and didn't need to fight, but he was a good-natured fellow anyway.
One of my parents' criteria for naming their kids was that the name should cause as little grief as possible to the kid. I think they were right. Kids should not have to be an extension of their parents' sophistication, ego, or cleverness.

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