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July 25, 2018


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The store name that really drives me nuts is Joann (or Jo-Ann or however they style it). Everyone calls it Joann's, which makes sense, since Joann just sounds like the name of a person, not a store.

"Tesco's" could refer to that supermarket owned by the Tesco Company. Likewise, "I'm going to Nordstrom's" is short for, "I'm going to that department store owned by the Nordstrom Company." I wouldn't expect to hear, "I'm going to Nordstrom."

Dan: You would hear "I'm going to Nordstrom" from me.

Nancy: Today I asked a friend who frequents the Chanel store at Nordstrom how she would articulate that statement. She replied, "I'm going to Nordstrom."
You're right; I'm wrong. But I would never go to Nordstrom's anyway.

Out here in Warshington state, where Nordstrom's started, lots of people say just that. Lots of people also say warsh, as in the state's name. Or is it state name?

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