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November 16, 2016


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Because lawn signs were being stolen, I hung a large arrow on my front porch, between two pillars. It was a fairly close reproduction. Yet no one, not even Clinton supporters, recognized it as Hillary's logo. It just didn't register.

Might I suggest another key problem with using "I'M WITH HER"?

It sounds too much like those silly "I'M WITH STUPID" T-Shirts.

I'm surprised you hadn't noticed a few other issues with the logo. The arrow is reminiscent of FedEx's almost hidden logo that subtly almost unconsciously expresses forward movement: ideal for a logistics company, not ideal for a political movement. With the H-Forward logo, one gets the clunky sense that we're all just goods being transported through services from point a to point b. Emphasis is on the temporal and mechanical - a bit devoid of humanity. The H - Forward is problematic at the unconscious level for many Americans still smarting from 9-11. The icon could be seen and felt as an airplane flying through the twin towers. There is something pushed and aggressive about the inspiration behind the concept. The arrow symbol can be misinterpreted in many ways. On the surface it appears to demonstrate direction (rightward as you pointed out). However, the arrow I'm its most primitive form is a weapon, a vector for dispatching enemies. One also cannot discount the phallic and masculine symbolism of the arrow - if one is inclined to Freudian post-feminist interpretations of male symbolism. Was it a way to express unconsciously her masculine, muscular bona fides being the first woman to represent a major party in U.S. Election history? The conscious and unconscious have too many choices and interpretations with this branding. Without making too sweeping of a generalization it seems that a gay man dressed her up as a man with that logo squelching her femininity. She surrounded herself with many young millenials who had energy, drive and some accomplishments but probably lacked the experience to understand which way the wind was blowing. It was obvious she was trying to capture the same branding magic as Obama's iconic logo. To keen observers this represented a continuation of Obama's policies in the form of brand identity. The electorate was looking for something different - a break from the past. Something clear, honest, direct and not subject to interpretation. In this way Trump's brand worked better. Of course, he didn't have to do much because he was already an established brand. Hillary had to try to re-position herself in the brandscape.

Joseph: Excellent observations -- thanks!

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