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October 28, 2015


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When I was young, 'heck' was an acceptable substitute for 'hell', when there were still such things as bad words. As in, "Where in the heck are we?" which would only raise Mom's eyebrows moderately.

Amusingly, when my sons were young -- say, twenty years ago -- they substituted 'hecka' for 'hella'. "Dad, that movie was hecka scary."

Hello Kitty always drags me into the Wikipedia wormhole which links from Maneki-neko: beckoning white cats are an ancient Japanese thing that makes strange incursions into our lives here on the Left Coast. And so, I'm mildly disappointed that Hella Kitty has a bow and is not waving.

I laughed out loud when I encountered a woman wearing a shirt with a picture of a dead cat, labeled, in cutesy lettering, "goodbye kitty."

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