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August 12, 2015


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The pearl-clutching over the BMW sub has nearly done me in. Thank you for the much-needed dose of sanity.

Jessica: Thanks for the vote of confidence!

Leave it to The New Yorker to add periods in "URL". (I'm sure Mary Norris can defend them, but ...)

I was going to say that whatever Google does is by definition going to have considerable weight and chance of success, but then I considered some of Google's more spectacular failures, so we'll see. :-)

PS Do you watch "Silicon Valley"? I always imagine that it appeals primarily to people for whom the world being satirized is, well, their everyday world.

Mike: I have indeed watched both seasons of "Silicon Valley," and I wrote something during the first season: http://nancyfriedman.typepad.com/away_with_words/2014/04/hbos-silicon-valley-gets-into-naming-trouble.html

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