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August 21, 2015


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One more drawback on the name "Addyi"...Why did the FDA allow Sprout Pharmaceuticals to use a female name for a sexual dysfunction drug? This name belongs to countless girls and women.
FDA policy states: "If a company submits a name that is too similar to another name, FDA will require the company to select another name, for safety reasons, as part of the approval process" The FDA disrespected ALL women by approving this drug’s name. They didn't approve names such as Michael or Joseph for “Viagra”. http://www.fda.gov/AboutF…/Transparency/Basics/ucm211441.htm ‪#‎WeAreAddy‬ ‪#‎ProtectAddy‬

Those of us that have daughters or granddaughters have started petitions and Facebook pages against naming this drug Addy. This is an insult since no drug of this kind for men has been named Paul or Bob. The persona created is purely sexist! As a grandmother I will continue to make noise about this name!

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