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July 29, 2015


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Oooh, Mr. Kotter, Mr. Kotter, pick me! (See what I did there?) Mr. Hand is a character in "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" in whose classroom Sean Penn's character, Jeff Spicoli, has a pizza delivered. So I'm pretty sure it's not a case of missing punctuation - at least not of a hyphen.

Yes! [Marv Albert-esque arm gesture]

Dear Jessica: This is clearly a case of "Were it not this way, well, it should have been."

How about Ms. and Mrs. products?

Chrysti: I haven't found any examples of Ms/Mrs brands other than those with surnames (Mrs. Fields, Mrs. Paul). Have you?

Yes I agree with Chrysti. Can you post a link?

Eran: If I ever find any good examples, I'll write about them!

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