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June 24, 2015


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I presume you read Jill Lepore's article in the NYer a little while ago in which she makes the claim that the whole "disruption" isn't even really much of a thing. Not that that has much linguistic relevance, I suppose, other than that she seeks to disrupt the idea of disruption.

Mike: I did read Jill Lepore's article (http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2014/06/23/the-disruption-machine), and thank you for reminding me about it.

Oh, this one is EVERYWHERE, and it's so annoying. My niece is looking for work after grad school, and some of the ads even say they're looking for "disrupters." Really? NO, THEY ARE NOT. No one wants anyone to swan in and change everything about the way they work. And really, no one person can do that unless they're the boss. *sigh*

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