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May 15, 2015


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Re: FONDLESLAB. It is made of verb+noun, but SLAB is the head of the compound (not the direct object of the verb), and it's not a "thing that fondles slabs," so it's not a cutthroat. If the child in the photo using the tablet were called a fondleslab, it would be a cutthroat. In any case, it's a fun compound.

I hadn't heard about The Slants court case. It sounds like a tangled legal puzzle, getting the right result for the right reason.

I can't believe Infinite Grover didn't win Name of the Year. :/

Fondleslab is quite surely a coinage by The Register, it's very much their style.

I also found an earlier El Reg citation from January 2010 when I wrote up its Wiktionary entry:


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