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November 14, 2014


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If you would like to know more about how the Yaris got its name, you could ask @NOMEN_naming - I believe that German naming agency Nomen came up with the name: Here is a link to part of their portfolio. And while German Ja has a different spelling, the pronunciation is close enough.

(Full disclosure: I used to do some free-lancing for them eons ago.)

Speaking of Tom Magliozzi, here's Jan Freeman's reprint of her Globe column about "dope slap": http://throwgrammarfromthetrain.blogspot.com/2014/11/in-memory-of-tom-gimme-dope-slap-source.html

I wonder why the writers on the city paper assume "Blelvis" likely never uses those two words. That idea seems a bit presumptuous.

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