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October 08, 2014


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In a world full of over-apostrophizing, why, oh why, can't they put it in when it's 99.9% never wrong?

I mind the profanity far less in the book usage, and in the clever uses like "half-fast" than I do with profanity for its own sake, like the FCUK brand or Effen vodka. Just because you can doesn't mean you should, as I always say.

The only thug kitchen I'm interested in is Auntie Fee's. She was totally robbed of the Thug Kitchen book contract. https://www.youtube.com/user/auntyfee

Nancy Davis Kho: Auntie Fee wuz robbed!

There's a current TV commercial for a gaming website that offers the chance to win a "shipload of cash". Can I remember the name?--no, but the tagline is memorable.

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