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October 24, 2014


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It doesn't sound off to me at all. Putting aside the question of overexcitement, how else could they word it—"We're excited about the prospect of your taking a shower"?

Karen: The mistake is assuming anyone cares whether the provider of the free sample is excited. The focus needs to be on the customer and the benefit: "Take the challenge--feel the difference!" or "Softer, smoother skin after just one shower!"

No, I get that—it's lousy marketing copy—but I don't have a problem with "excited for." I'm excited for you to visit London for the first time; I'm excited for you to read the story I wrote; I'm excited for you to go to a World Series game; etc.

Karen: I'm willing (but far from excited) to accept "excited for you to" as grammatical, per Ben Zimmer's argument. The point of this post is to highlight the construction's relative newness and surge in popularity. I don't like it, I won't use it myself, and I might protest if I see it overused, but I'm not calling the cops.

I actually really dislike that construction because it HAS sneaked into common conversation - and it's chicken-or-egg - are we mimicking advertising, or are they simply echoing the more relaxed attitudes toward grammar?

And, I don't know if it's just the turn of mind that I have or what, but I IMMEDIATELY blinked in surprise at the ad, thinking it was guaranteeing some sort of cleanliness sticking around with ONE SHOWER a week or something, much like the current push in some beauty circles to wash hair that often. Now, from a mere bodywash (potentially containing singular nutria), that would indeed be quite a feat.

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