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April 09, 2014


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The already tacky, tasteless and bad joke about "lei'd" being used as someone's marketing team?! *facepalm* Is it made up entirely of adolescents? I just want to know what convinced them that Hawai'ian culture exists for them to mine for STD jokes...!? You'd think even their legal team would have said, "Um, dicey, guys; this will leave us open to suit."

The problem with not "trying" to be offensive is that, if you're still offending people, you're wrong.

Nancy, quick note for some clarity, as I'm out of the country w/limited internet access.

1.) I'm a kamaaina (lived in the islands a lonnnng time) vs a Hawaiian native (born/raised) and as you rightfully point out, certainly not a Native Hawaiian.
2.) Great post/points about cultural context, sports teams and the evolution of reactions/solidarity/protests over time vs initial branding onset
3.) Wanted to remind all that I did have a solid response from Ramin Bastani making note of some conversations they're having to find a path towards collaborative compromise so I prefer not to derail any progress they might be making.
4.) I also received lengthy responses (22 pg pdf etc.) from those lobbying for a name change, so have asked in the comments section that all please post publicly for everyone's edification (vs email) as I don't want to get in a tug-o-war for mindshare and prefer collective knowledge gain.

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