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February 26, 2014


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Nancy, I love your blog and all the naming resources you share! Fascinating and informative. One thing I'd add to this discussion is that domain hacks are risky, in my experience.

Not only do customers in the wild get confused, but there are issues with obtaining some country-specific URLs. (There was a time when bit.ly links did not function because of issues in Libya, and I just discovered that a .pe Peruvian domain for one of my much-neglected blogs is pricier than it used to be because of the shifting value of the Peruvian sol.)

If you do register an atypical TLD, I would stick to tried-and-true stuff like .org and .net. (I am seeing a lot of .co and .io stuff, and plenty of .fm for podcasts. But those still seem like edge cases. .app seems like it might catch on, but only time will tell. And please, no one buy a .sexy. It's anything but.)

Thanks, Nancy. Important theme, since it comes up in virtually all our naming assignments now. The worst situation is the rejection of a great name candidate because the "pure" URL isn't available. It's happened in a couple of our assignments - we were dumbfounded.

It could be argued that some of the examples do a better job than the "straight" company or brand name. They add to the branding rather just designating a place on the web. Neat.

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