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September 04, 2013


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"We realised that very few people actually know the taste of a key lime pie."

That's the saddest thing I've read all day.

@Jonathon, on a global level the name wouldn't work at all. Any positive connotation would be lost on most non-native speakers, who might also wonder what a key has got to do with a confection anyway.

What an interesting combination! I like kit kat so much better than key lime pie anyway!

There's a real KitKatClub in Berlin now too, surely named after the one in Cabaret

You probably can't approve this comment; but this is the first I've heard of an association between Google and Nestlé; and even though Google has recently been shown to be dabbling in "evil" in some areas, Nestlé - as we are often reminded [and which I've been boycotting for decades] "kills babies" [by promoting the sale of its infant formula in countries where water is unsafe, &c.] and also recently went on record as believing that water should be proprietary, privatized, &c.
So: a very bad bedmate for a company trying to do no evil.

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