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April 03, 2013


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That's the first time I've heard this phrase. Have you ever used it in a real life situation?

If I remember right, the "This is not your father's Oldsmobile" campaign was pulled after not-too-long a run. It became apparent that "your father" was the market, and it WAS his Oldsmobile. The brand didn't survive too many years after that.

I've copyedited or proofread a few books in the "Not Your Mother's..." cookbook series put out by the Harvard Common Press: http://www.harvardcommonpress.com/archives/books/cookbooks/not-your-mothers/

Alina: Do you live outside North America, perhaps? The phrase is very common; yes, I've used it (facetiously) in conversation, and even in a client brief!

Dan: The Oldsmobile brand survived until 2004, 16 years after the first ad in the "Not Your Father's..." campaign.

Karen: Thanks!

The flip-side of that Olds ad, I imagine, is the 2007 Canadian Club campaign: "Damn Right Your Dad Drank It."

Certainly it made sense for Oldsmobile, since 1988 was the first year for a front-wheel-drive Cutlass Supreme.

I really laughed at the Golden Gate Fields billboard. When I was 4 years old, I had a rocking horse just like that - but the rear springs were broken. The rear end had fallen and the horse was at a permanent angle. What's a kid to do? I put a metal bowl on my head for a helmet and pretended I was a show jumper, since the horse was permanently taking off. The reason no one fixed the rocking horse is that we had real horses.

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