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April 11, 2013


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Have you seen the golf equipment commercial for (Callaway's?) Rocket Ballz drivers? They're Rocket Ballz-ier. There is a hashtag: #ier, and several pros are being paid a lot of money to prominently display that hashtag on their headwear.

Might make for an interesting post. (If you haven't seen them, and/or aren't a golf fan, tune in to ESPN this afternoon or tomorrow, or CBS over the weekend, as they cover The Masters.)

Steve: Thanks for that tip! I found the spot online: http://www.ispot.tv/ad/7Iua/taylormade-rbz-stage-2-rocketballz-ier

It's language-ier!

But aren't those faux-comparatives? Wouldn't the faux-superlatives be mobilest, worldwqidest, deliciousest etc.?

I've seen a couple of those spots a couple dozen times--and that's a very, very conservative estimate. What's it say about the marketing that I couldn't remember the manufacturer? (And Taylor-Made is a MAJOR player in golf equipment; on the other hand, I'm only a fan...I don't play.)

On the other hand, their ads do make an impression. Are they impression-ier?

Thanks for starting my day off with a good chuckle. By the way, I have been enjoying the new NPR blog too.

too funny. i would think such ads would target specific geo areas and not the nation as a whole - for a reason or two.. no?

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