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March 01, 2013


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I think that "we plus you" is strange attempt to use the medical cross as a verb in the same way that the heart symbol is used to mean "love" (even when it's pronounced "heart"). But then they spell it out and call it a plus, which defeats the purpose. Of course, you can't say "we cross you"—one way or another, that sends the wrong message.

But maybe I could be way off the mark here.

Thanks for this one, Nancy. I recently worked on a campaign for a hospital birthing center like this one, and it was nice to share the post with my client. I'm proud to say, when working on the project, the phrase "with child" never crossed my mind as an option to use. I do hear that term used now and then, but it's always in a humorous, intentionally old-fashioned way.

The logo is a stylized plus sign rendered in 3D and seen from an angle, right?

Hmmm, might the strange use of You-ology reflect an unintended foreshadowing of the brand's demise: Eulogy.

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