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March 08, 2013


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To your point.... Nnnnooooo! Top Dog is now a pizza joint?

A random number of repeated letters also makes it tough to search online ("Was that pizza with two or five extra 'h's'?" Oh hell, let's Google Zachary's). And, Phhhoto reminds me of that ever wonderful epithet, "pfft."

You've misunderstood the Pizzahhh one, it's supposed to be conflating the word "Aaahhh" like Aaahhh that's good pizza.

It's a different phenomenon than the normal word elongation in your other examples.

Christine: I did understand that meaning. It's still word lengthening, and it's still a generic name!

I understand the point about adding letters, but why would "Pizzah", with just one extra "h", not be distinct from "Pizza"? Is "Psmith" the same as "Smith" legally?

John: If "Psmith" is pronounced "Smith," and if Psmith Co. sells goods in the same international class as Smith Co., the two names are considered identical, legally, and "Psmith" won't be able to get trademark protection. Likelihood of confusion is judged by several criteria, similarity of sound being one of them. The example given by the USPTO is "T.MARKEY" for shoes and "TEE MARQUEE" for shirts: "The marks are similar because they sound identical; and although the goods differ, they are considered related for the purposes of a likelihood of confusion analysis." http://www.uspto.gov/trademarks/basics/BasicFacts.pdf

It's pretty funny that the word lengthening in texts seems to balance out the concomitant abbreviating in texts so: "C u tmro! Byeeeeeeeeeee!"

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