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January 07, 2013


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This is the first time I've heard this term. As I started to read your post, I was thinking it was going to be about something like "He wrote a highly controversial book. Said book was sold out in stores within days."

"The writer’s job is to tell a story so real that the reader lives it. "

I agree that some writers need to be reminded of this fact, but at the same I bristle at treating it as a fact. If a writer has other goals, who is to say they're not doing their job?

Someday, we'll replace "said" with a piece of common punctuation.

"Someday, we'll replace that word with a piece of common punctuation," Matthew §.

"No way," Jill §. "It can't happen."

"Sure it can," § Matthew, raising his voice. "It's just a matter of time."

"Alright," Jill §. "I guess we'll just have to wait and see."

I think that "inelegant variation," from Bryan Garner's MAU, is the more apt term these days, grizzled one Internet commenter, who should probably get back to work.

My keyboard lacks that "section" sign, but when I was a legal proofreader (my Bartleby phase) and we read documents aloud, the short form we used for that was "snake." Apparently that was burned into my brain to such an extent that, 25 years later, all I saw was "snake."

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