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January 04, 2013


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Mr Tedi could evidently benefit by the services of Mr (or Ms) Proofreader.

If you find yourself in Paris and need a domain name right away, who ya gonna call?


What, not www.monsieurname.com?

The mrs Jermyn example reminded me of mr. panino, an Italian sandwich franchise that can be be found in most Italian airports. A picture of their logo, all lowercase, can be seen here: http://www.cagliariairport.it/images/spazicommerciali/mrpani/mr%20panino.jpg. The period after mr looks unusual in Europe, as we are more familiar with British English spelling conventions, which do not require it.

Incidentally, in Italian “panino” is singular and “panini” is plural, which makes American “paninis” quite amusing to me.

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