Moist jeans may be the Next New Thing; moist bras, not so much. Fortunately, there’s an app—a nappy?—for that: the Wick’em moisture-managing bra liner.
For consistency, shouldn’t it be “to keep ’em dry”?
As a brand name, “Wick’em” is assertively descriptive if a bit too reminiscent of Hang ’em High. (I’d like it better if the brand were spelled Wickham and the styles were called Lady Wickham, the Dowager Countess of Wickham, and Mistress Wickly.*) There’s no way to make “wick” sound elegant, and the apostrophe takes it even further downmarket.
The folksiness of that eye dialect is at odds with the boardroom-stiff brand voice of Wick’em’s parent company, Coconut Grove Intimates (whose other products include adhesive bras and which is headquartered, incongruously, in Ontario, Canada, far from any coconut groves I’m aware of). There’s that “moisture management” descriptor, for starters. And on Wick’em’s About Us page I learned that Coconut Grove Intimates is “an industry leader in the development of solution-oriented bras and bra accessories.” Maybe Hank Hill should be the corporate spokesman.
Hat tip to Corporette for the Wick’em link.
P.S. If you’re goin’ to go droppin’ letters, at least get it straight. It’s “Wear ’n’ Care”—one apostrophe for each of the missing letters in “and”—not “Wear N’ Care.”
* And I’d really like to rename the product Bosom Buddy, but it’s taken.
So many things.
First, "Wick 'em" to me called to mind the sheriff of Springfield on The Simpsons, a character who could most certainly benefit from a moisture-wicking bra.
Second, Coconut Grove Intimates? Are you telling me that there are women walking around wearing CGI undergarments?
Third, "boardroom-stiff" must only apply to their voice, not to the people. I can't imagine "stiff" (except in the physical sense) being used to apply to a bra company whose owners, when spitballing through company names, decided to work "coconut" into it. Was "Ripe Melon Intimates" already taken?
Posted by: Andy Hollandbeck | January 29, 2013 at 10:28 AM
Andy: Hah! And Hah encore!
Your Simpsons reference is no doubt to Chief of Police (not Sheriff) Clancy Wiggum. As for CGI undergarments, I believe young Ralphie Wiggum should have the last word: "That's un-possible!"
Posted by: Nancy Friedman | January 29, 2013 at 10:36 AM
To me Wickham will always mean the bad guy in "Pride and Prejudice".
Posted by: empty | January 29, 2013 at 07:19 PM
Follow the Wear'n Care link and it gets worse:
"Do not use fabric softeners these interfere with the wicking function"
Posted by: empty | January 29, 2013 at 07:19 PM