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January 29, 2013


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So many things.

First, "Wick 'em" to me called to mind the sheriff of Springfield on The Simpsons, a character who could most certainly benefit from a moisture-wicking bra.

Second, Coconut Grove Intimates? Are you telling me that there are women walking around wearing CGI undergarments?

Third, "boardroom-stiff" must only apply to their voice, not to the people. I can't imagine "stiff" (except in the physical sense) being used to apply to a bra company whose owners, when spitballing through company names, decided to work "coconut" into it. Was "Ripe Melon Intimates" already taken?

Andy: Hah! And Hah encore!

Your Simpsons reference is no doubt to Chief of Police (not Sheriff) Clancy Wiggum. As for CGI undergarments, I believe young Ralphie Wiggum should have the last word: "That's un-possible!"

To me Wickham will always mean the bad guy in "Pride and Prejudice".

Follow the Wear'n Care link and it gets worse:


"Do not use fabric softeners these interfere with the wicking function"

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