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December 05, 2012


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And they could have gone for Knengine, pronounce it Nen-jin. wwww.Knengine.com is available now. They could even be cute and pronounce it kuh-nen-jin, like a kid might say guh-new for gnu. Tongue-twistingly, however, www.KnowlEngine.com is taken, and coming soon. I suppose it's pronounced noll-engine.

And let's not forget K'Nex, a toy the Prez was very enamored of recently when he visited the factory. http://www.knex.com/

@Mark: KnowlEngine is doomed to be mocked as "null engine."

@Karen: "K'Nex" is how I pronounced "Kleenex" when I'm mid-sneeze.

"Knish" might be a more widely known example of a Yiddish word with a pronounced kuh. See, for instance, the last line of Cheryl Wheeler's song Potato (http://www.cherylwheeler.com/songs/potato.html) as immortalized on YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6uLUVI3Y0q0) (Warning: high likelihood of earworm).

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