Today is this blog’s sixth birthday! Help yourself to a cupcake.
And please remain seated while we review the last 12 months in bloggage.
June 2011: Why do so many startups’ names end in -IO?
July 2011: Campus Crusade for Christ changed its name to the peppy, preppy Cru.
August 2011: What’s in cheez?
September 2011: Netflix tried to introduce a new service called Qwikster. Then it changed its mind.
October 2011: “Siri, tell me what your name means.”
November 2011: Why do so many startups’ names end in -LY?
December 2011: The security contractor formerly known as Xe, and before that as Blackwater, changed its name to Academi.
January 2012: Why do so many companies’ names include gratuitous umlauts?
February 2012: Why are so many companies’ names spelled wth no vwls and in ALL CAPS?
March 2012: How to build a better tagline: Part 1 and Part 2.
April 2012: What does “tribal” mean in fashionspeak?
May 2012: How pleasant it would be if people in power cared about using language correctly. Alas, they don’t.
And for scholars of paleo-blogging, here’s my first post, about naming a new nanoparticle.
Cupcake photo from Crazy for Crust.
Happy bloggiversary! Apparently I also just passed my sixth bloggiversary without realizing it.
Posted by: Jonathon | June 08, 2012 at 10:44 AM
You had me at cupcake. Happy bloggiversary!
Posted by: Risa | June 08, 2012 at 03:09 PM
Happy Bloggiversary! And many ,many more to come!
Posted by: Nick | June 14, 2012 at 03:18 AM