Ganja-preneur: “An American capitalist profiting from the recent pseudo-legalization of marijuana in the U.S. by opening up a dispensary that sells the plant in smokeable form to registered medical marijuana patients.” (Urban Dictionary, Jan. 15, 2010.) Also spelled ganjapreneur.
San Francisco Chronicle, May 19, 2012. Headline was changed in the online version.
Ganja, a synonym for marijuana, is the English spelling of gānjhā, the Hindi word for “hemp,” which comes from Sanskrit gañjaḥ (“hemp”). According to the OED, ganja first appeared in print in 1800, in a letter from the Duke of Wellington. In recent years it has become a prefix in many slang terms, including ganjacologist, ganjanomics, ganjarrhea, and ganj o’clock. (Thank you, Urban Dictionary!)
Ganjapreneur T-shirt from Etsy.
For many other -preneur blends, including ecopreneur, funpreneur, mommypreneur, and warrior-preneur, see my 2009 post “Enterprising Language.”
Ganj o'clock? That's gotta be real close to beer thirty.
Posted by: heydave | May 22, 2012 at 08:47 AM