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May 29, 2012


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I think I have figured out how to decorate that big, underused room in my house!

I also suspect that this would only last thru my current bachelorhood, although given my ongoing track record, that may prove long.

"Mr. Disco Collar" with the soulful eyes is actually an Al Pacino/Scarface knock off. In the film, one of Pacino's many quotables is "say hello... to my little friend!"

I assume you've never seen Scarface?

In the film, Scarface's "little friend" is an M16 with grenade launcher attached.

I guess Zain's champagne is similarly powerful?!

Thanks, Jonathan! I'm embarrassed to admit I've never seen the Pacino "Scarface," only the 1932 version with Paul Muni. Must correct that oversight.

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