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May 01, 2012


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It would be incautious to question Gore Vidal's knowledge of tender buttons, but the San Francisco billiard hustler Danny McGoorty, in his memoir co-written with Robert Byrne, refers to an idle person as "sitting around on his rosette."

Wasn't the M&M on 3rd Street, about where the big Office Depot is now? There was a pawn shop on that block too--I got my first railroad watch there in 1963--on the site of what's now an upscale wine and liquor store.

No wonder W.R. got his undies in a bunch over having Rosebud exposed that way. Loved this bit of SF/Hearst history. Never stepped inside the M&M, but certainly heard about it.

@Rootlesscosmo: Nope, the M&M was at 198 5th Street. Here's what took its place: http://www.thechieftain.com/

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