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February 06, 2012


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"When found, make a note of" is a good motto. But that photo is making me hungry.

The same sort of pastry is known in German-speaking countries as Bärentatzen (bear paws). I did a quick Google Books search and couldn't predate your 1942 date in German. Nevertheless, the same term is used in architecture and heraldry (with many earlier hits) to describe the acanthus shape, and I think it's likely that the pastry was modeled after that first, and then, via whimsy or folk etymology grew closer in appearance to real bear claws.

I've always known them as bear claws, also, and that's growing up in Chicago and now in Iowa. but I have never seen one so beautifully decorated with almond slices for nails!

+1 heydave -- the pastry in the photo looks more like an actual bear, er, paw than anything labeled "bear claw" that I've ever seen in a bakery. The defining characteristic that I've noted is some half-baked (haha) attempt at making "toes" in the pastry, but beyond that, it's often just an oddly-shaped donut.

And this, I can't resist:

>DARE will finally be complete

Which is to say, they'll have finished off the project as originally conceived. Like any dictionary, of course, it will never be complete. :-)

@Mike: Or as @darewords tweeted on Monday: "Now that we've fulfilled "On to Z" our rallying cry is "On Beyond Zebra!" https://twitter.com/#!/darewords/status/166558897958686724

Re: DARE, maybe they should have said it will finally be "published" rather than "complete."
Re: Bear claws, guess what's for lunch today?

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