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November 28, 2011


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If John McIntyre is making caramel pie for our pieholes, I will pronounce it his way. Otherwise, I'll eat "carmel" the way I always have.

This blog is funny! I've never in my life been inspired to subscribe to a blog before.

I love it.

Reminds me of The Beastie Boys' song about duality, Buddhism, and the passing nature of this world, "Just a Test":

"Like sand in one hand You can't hold for long
Like scheming on a plan that goes all wrong
It's like fudge and caramel - they're not the same
And it's a shame all you talk is game"

In a barely-related pronunciation item, the hoity-toity suburb on the North side of Indianapolis is Carmel, pronounced CARmel, which is very confusing when you move to San Francisco and everybody talks about carMEL. Of course, at the Marion County Fair, kids get CARamel Corn. Do the kids at the Monterey County Fair eat car'MEL Corn?

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