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October 18, 2011


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Another odd "branch" -- Luther Burbank Savings in Santa Rosa has taken over the building that once housed Traverso's deli, and is busy converting it into what their sign says will be their "Headquarters Branch." I didn't think you could have one of those. Does this mean that their other locations will be Branch Branches?

Do you suppose this urge to wordiness is some reaction against the 140 character limit by which so many seem to live their lives these days?

I was thrown off by the ellipses where there should have been hyphens or dashes. My brain kept trying to put three letters into each of those gaps.

My brain was trying to time travel: I associate H-E-double hockey sticks with the 1950s, not with today's frank vocabulary. Why would I trust my money to a bank that doesn't know which decade it is?

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