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September 13, 2011


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Or you could go back to the 2003 prequel to "Dumb and Dumber," which bore the curious title "Dumb and Dumberer: When Harry Met Lloyd."

One variation I've heard in blogdom refers to the tendency to pile new laws onto existing laws, ostensibly to plug loopholes; the cry arises, "It was illegal before, and now it's even illegaller."

Come to think of it, how does one plug a loophole? Wouldn't it be easier just to reposition the rope?

Curiouser and curiouser.

@Nick: As I was saying... http://nancyfriedman.typepad.com/away_with_words/2010/07/curiouser-and-curiouser.html

Hi Nancy! Can't say I'm thankful to have that brought to my attention, since you can't un-see something like that. But I suppose such linguistic ignominies are fascinating to we verbophilic types in the sense that car crashes are to commuters.

I will forever have a soft spot for them, however, as someone from Massachusetts, for doing this Boston-appropriate version: http://www.cluelessinboston.com/2009/04/makahs-maahk.html

@Nate: Thanks for that link! I've added it to the post.

There's a qualitative difference between "connecteder" and "smarterer," or "funnerer." I sometimes amuse myself (which is easy for me, exasperating for those around me) by making regular comparatives out of polysyllabic words, so "connecteder" and even "Maker's-er" pass, though the latter looks silly with its apostrophe and hyphen. (But who am I to judge what looks silly?)

But "smarterer," "funnerer," or (god forbid) "freshershist" are just heapings of suffixes. They look like someone has tried to apply German adjective endings to English words.

Yes, "Maker's-er" looks funny, but it makes sense to me in the context, reinforcing the idea that the new product is not a departure but an enhancement of the quality associated with the brand. And I am glad the apostrophe is in the right place; these days, after all, fewer and fewer people seem to know how to use an apostrophe and it is often just discarded.

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