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June 22, 2011


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I have been known to ask my sons to shut the f- up. I'm not proud of that, but it happened. But then they gave me a (commercially-produced) Mothers' Day Card that said, To the Best F-ing Mother.

I got a look at the book last weekend. It's hysterically funny, especially if you've ever been a parent (or remember being a child). I intend to give it to new parents, who can make their own decisions about whether to read it or quote it to their own children.

More "Herzog":


My wife believes this is really Herzog; I think it's a really close-to-the-original parody, which is my favorite kind. (I started leaning toward her opinion after we saw "Cave of Forgotten Dreams.") Either way, it's funny.

The 'Get the FOk to sleep made me giggle, great blog!

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