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April 27, 2011


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I actually thought "Flatter Me" was quite a witty name for (presumably) a minimizer bra ... there does seem to be a huge market (so to speak) for such articles.

@Jan: But it isn't a minimizer bra--it promises to "boost cleavage." Which leads me to think the company thought only of "flatter" (verb) without considering "flatter" (adjective).

Line drawn. With LASERS.

Egads, indeed! I'm just creeped out by this guy!

This is so wrong. Who the HELL is this guy? I don't care how badly my bra fits from now until eternity, but he will not be assisting me in my fitting needs.

Nancy, that's hilarious; I guess I automatically think it would "flatter me" to be flatter in a number of places, and it never occurred to me they could have overlooked the pun. Duh!

@Jan @Nancy: That's quite the play on words. It was only until I read Nancy's comment that I saw the double meaning.

Funny how context can narrow one's perspective.

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