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March 21, 2011


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Wait, wait, I just want to ponder the name: Caterina Fake. Mmmm.

Not only is her real name Fake, but the firm (of which she was part-owner) that created Flickr had the dandy name Ludicorp.

Little known fact: Patron saint of the FoMo's (Former Mormons) is St. Chad. As in the hanging type. I learned this from an Episcopal priest who grew up in Salt Lake City.

I guess FOMO sufferers would be greatly relieved to embrace reincarnation.

There's also 'FoMoCo', stamped on to every component of every car made by the Ford Motor Company since time began.

I suffer from FOGII, pronounced "foggie." It stands for Fear of Getting Inadvertently Involved. Sort of the opposite of FOMO.

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