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March 30, 2011


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I just can't imagine how that got approved in the first place! Analytech (like "analytic") would have made so much more sense and avoided that unfortunate association.

BTW, the survey link is not working for me, saying I already voted (I'm sure I would have remembered voting on something like that!).

@Nedra: I should have embedded the link before I took the survey! I've changed it; it should work now, although you'll have to scroll to the bottom of the page and click through.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who immediately thought of Tobias Fünke.

This made my day!

OMG, this is wonderful!

Yep, they're all talking about Funke around the water cooler. Totally my first thought!

A colleague at work just purchased a computer made by a company you wrote about in 2009: Asus. When another colleague heard the name, she asked "is it made by Analtech?"

Here is where we can take a closer look at the Asus: http://nancyfriedman.typepad.com/away_with_words/2009/03/how-asus-got-its-name.html

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