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January 17, 2011


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Missing the Point Sub-Scandal Award goes to Tweetees of poor Roger Ebert. Ebert made an insightful, strong statement on the Huck Finn issue when he tweeted, "I'd rather be called a N***** than a Slave." I thought that was a really interesting point, but he got slammed quickly by folks that pointed out that he was not likely to be called either, and he soon apologized.

They do it all the time with cigarettes - Bluesman Robert Johnson, Frank Sinatra, FDR, Miles Davis, many others have had their smokes removed, especially when their images are re-contextualized by a commercial or government entity.

And don't get me started on "Holiday Inn".

Presentism is hard to catch in ones' self, especially when excusing one's past actions- also known as "rationalization".

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