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December 28, 2010


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Incidentally, Italian "arrivista" has the same negative connotations as the English word, so it's not even a matter of false friends by non-native speakers...

I love your blog and I find your views both clever and entertaining. However, I was surprised to see that you adhere to the "old school" custom of putting the punctuation inside the quotation marks with no exception. The way they wrote it, "become 'Americanos'." is fine with me. Here is how I see the difference:

We want to become 'Americanos'.
She said: "We want to become Americanos."

In the first example, the period belongs to the sentence, not to the word 'Americanos', In the second, it belongs to the sentence within the quotation marks.

Thank you for your witty and word(l)y blog!

Mima: “When it comes to commas and periods … logic doesn't enter into the equation, at least not in the United States. Universal American usage places commas and periods inside the quotation marks, regardless of logic.”
Source: http://grammartips.homestead.com/inside.html

If the photos included those responsible for the sign, then perhaps 'arrivistes' is le mot juste.

(Pretentious, moi?)

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