Lest we forget, name development has always been a demanding job.
Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow United Statesians! I’ll return to this space next week.
P.S. In the spirit of Monday’s cherpumple post, here are “10 Awesome Turkey Recipes” from BuzzFeed. “Awe” is not precisely the emotion I experienced upon beholding TurDunkin’ (“turkey brined in Dunkin Donuts coolattas, stuffed with munchkins and served with coffee gravy and mashed hash browns”) or Turbaconduckenriblets (“made of riblets individually wrapped in bacon stuffed with stuffing into a deboned chicken, wrapped in bacon stuffed with stuffing into a deboned duck, wrapped in bacon stuffed with stuffing into a deboned turkey, wrapped in woven bacon strips”). Hat tip: Ben Zimmer.
P.P.S. For a more uplifting take on the traditional Thanksgiving main course, here is Dan Jurafsky of The Language of Food to explain why “a Mexican bird [is] named for a large Eurasian democracy of the eastern Mediterranean.” In other words, why do we call the bird turkey? Hat tip: Lynneguist.
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