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November 23, 2010


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You have reminded me of the joke: What's the difference between beer nuts and deer nuts? Beer nuts are $3, deer nuts are under a buck.

I was all, like, going to comment that CornNuts is not camel-cased, it's Pascal-cased, but then I went and looked at the Wikipedia article and noted that they're wishy-washy about the distinction. But I'll comment anyway. :-)

In my work, the distinction is both clear (camel casing = lowercase initial letter, Pascal casing = first letter uppercase) and has specific provenance. Per the non-binding rules of the programming framework I work with (.NET), the rules are that:

Types and members (aka classes and properties and methods) are Pascal-cased: CustomerRecord, OverdueBalance, GetBalance.
Variables are camel-cased: buttonText, loopCounter, theObject.

In the initial version of our guidelines, the rules were so stringent that it resulted in certain, er, illogicalisms. For example, if the term "ID" were a component of a member name, per the rules it might appear as CustomerId. This looked ... odd ... to a lot of people, so the rules were amended to allow two-letter acronyms like this to be uppercased per their usual English spellings, hence CustomerID. But longer acronyms/initialisms still follow the rules, and we end up with a property name like BaseUrl (to editors, this should be BaseURL).

Little to do with CornNuts, I realize. Which, I must say, I really like, though I haven't had any in a long time. I always thought they were just deep-fried hominy.

I wonder if the bulk-foods aisle has more than its share of guffaws?

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