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October 19, 2010


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Nailphoria evokes phantasmagoria and anaphora to me. Do you suppose that's what the salon was going for?

My first impression of "Kidlanthropy" is an association with "lycanthropy," reinforced by the photo of a child attacking with bloodstained hands.

Nancy, what is the term for elisions like "blog"? Thanks!

Duchesse: "Blog" is a truncation of the compound word "weblog." (Weblog isn't a portmanteau because it maintains both component words intact: web and log.) "Blog" first appeared as a joking aside in a 1999 post on Peterme.com; the author, Peter Merholz, broke "weblog" into a phrase, "we blog."

Maybe it's because I use my teeth to manicure my nails, but Nailphoria just made me think of iron nails - the kind you pound with a hammer.
The oh so obvious spa portmanteau is Youphoria, there is such a day spa in Texas.
The Kidlantropy website is an excercise in self congratulation - my first impression was that it was a scam.
Another educational post. Thanks!

Your site is so entertaining!

I once passed by a shop called TanFastic, combining tan + fast and perhaps fantastic, but my first (nonsensical) thought was tan girls fasting, manically.

I like my own portmanteau coinage circa my daughters' respective infancies: drooble. As in, it's dribble AND drool. Not quite chortle, but I still try to use it where I can.

Meanwhile, your three examples are just mind-numbingly labored and boring.

Myth and legend are also a bit tautologous. But much more alarming is the right-wing conspiracy to make “refudiate” an actual word?

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