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September 01, 2010


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That's too bad about the Tea Party Bookshop.

The story reminded me of the band the Hooters, who recently finished their 30th anniversary tour. What's their reaction to the restaurant chain with the same name (minus the "the")? Does it affect them in any way?

“ 'The objective was to have a neutral kind of name, so you can have a family of brands underneath and not feel like they're reporting to Dress Barn,' Dress Barn’s chief financial officer and executive vice president, Armand Correia, told Bloomberg News."

And not because the connotations associated with "barn" are ones few women would want to find their dresses associated with?

Barbara: As far as I can tell, the retail stores will still be called "Dress Barn"; only the name of the parent company will change. Go figure.

A bookshop named Tigress sounds like they feature erotica or dominatrix themed books. I do not think new agey self empowerment. Frankly, "Tea Party Book Shop" doesn't make me think of the Boston Tea Party either, it reminds me of a book store for women - where soi disant feminist intellectuals gather who like to read about new agey self-empowerment books, drink tea and talk interminably about how they feel. I have friends like that! (I live in the SF Bay Area. :-)

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